A company’s essential values are those that support its vision, shape its culture and reflect what a company really is. They are the essence of its identity: beliefs, principles and philosophy. From the moment we have founded the company 25 years ago we have established a clear set of values that have guided us on our road to where we are now.

We undergo our activity in an ethical manner, guiding ourselves on moral principles that ensure fairness and respect towards our customers, employees and shareholders. Within the company, Integrity is an indispensable character trait and we respect the commitments we make. Throughout the years we built a team of talented and competent people, and we have always given them access to development opportunities. In return they have shown commitment and passion towards what they do. We are proud to be a part of Barleta’s family, where every day we are surrounded by those that share our vision.

We have the Responsibility to protect the environment, and all those who interact with us. The Respect we owe to the community we belong to is also reflected in our actions. Thus, we focus on reducing the harmful effects on the environment that may occur as a result of the production process. We respect each other and are aware that we can influence things for the better. That is why we maintain high standards of health and safety for our employees. We treat others the way we want others to treat us.

In the 25 years since its establishment, Collaboration and Communication have been essential in the development of the company. What helped us to evolve during this time and to overcome the difficult and tense moments, was teamwork and the passion for what we do.

Excellence and Professionalism are the pillars underlying Barleta’s brand and are fundamental in our relationship with our partners. In the 25 years of activity we have invested in people and technology being aware that only this way we can maintain and improve the quality of the services and products offered. Our team of specialists strive daily to provide the best solutions that our partners need. The success of the company was built on the ability to adapt to challenges. Innovation is what has helped us constantly offer the highest quality products and solutions to our customers.

Being aware that these values ​​are the basis of the success that Barleta has after 25 years during which it has established itself as the main producer of paper bags in Romania, we assume that we will continue to respect them and not make any compromises towards our partners, no matter the circumstances.